The VET2Sustain project has started. The project is off to a running start at the kick-off meeting in Helsinki on 28th and 29th February 2024. There, the project partners gather to plan the activities together.
The purpose of the VET2Sustain – Promoting sustainable, inclusive, and digital Vocational Education and Training project is to develop cooperation between VET schools, working life and policymakers in European countries. In the project, solutions for VET are being developed based on the needs of the labour market. The project also focuses on developing students’ digital skills, soft skills, lifelong learning, and fostering collaboration with employers.
The project promotes and increases the attractiveness of VET. The attractiveness of VET refers both to attracting students and VET teachers. The project will be innovative, creative, and inclusive and will work across sectors and disciplines within Vocational Education and Training from Initial Vocational Education and training (IVET) to Continuous education and training (CVET) and lifelong learning. Inclusiveness is in focus covering all potential learners. In addition, it will facilitate a more resilient VET that can meet drivers of change such as technological, environmental, and demographic changes alongside globalization